When using a robotic vacuum cleaner, you must decide how often to clean it. The frequency will depend on your needs and the conditions around your house. For example, a small apartment with just one level may only need a cleaning once per week, but a larger house with multiple levels may require a cleaning more frequently.

In addition to determining how often you want to run your robot vacuum, you must determine the type of floors in your home. Carpeted floors need more frequent vacuuming than solid floors do. And if you have children or pets, this is doubly true. These activities can leave your home dirty and full of hair.

Ideally, you should set the frequency of your robot vacuum to 4 to seven times per week. This will give you thorough cleaning. However, the frequency depends on the number of people in your household. If you have young children, you may want to schedule your robotic vacuum to clean your main living space or kitchen once or twice a week.

Bristles or rollers

When running your robot vacuum, you should consider whether to use the bristles or the rollers. Bristles are typically the most effective, as they remove larger particles. However, if you have a multi-story home, you may want to consider using a roller brush instead. This will help your robot vacuum simulate the stairs.

You should also take into account battery life. Unlike standard vacuum cleaners, robot vacuums require a battery to run. They also need enough power to recharge and return to the docking station after cleaning. Considering this, you can choose a model with a longer runtime.

Robot vacuums have several parts that need regular cleaning. Luckily, cleaning your robotic vacuum is not difficult. However, you should consider replacing some of these parts if they get damaged or worn out. The cleaning process is simple, and most models come with a cleaning tool that is part brush, comb, or blade. This tool is usually paired with a microfiber cloth, which makes it easy to clean and maintain.

Battery life

Battery life is an important factor when purchasing a robot vacuum. It’s important to know when to recharge your robot’s battery and how to maintain it. Robot vacuum batteries are susceptible to damage due to extreme heat or cold. To extend the life of your robot’s battery, it’s important to run it regularly and always charge it to full capacity. You should also store the battery in a cool area away from heat-generating appliances.

As with any battery, the battery life of a robot vacuum depends on the chemistry used to make the battery, and the way the battery is maintained. Different battery chemistries have different average life cycles. Each cycle is the time it takes a battery to go from full charge to full discharge.

Typically, robot vacuums have a battery life of 60 to 70 minutes. While this is enough for a small apartment or home, larger areas will require a longer battery life. For larger living spaces, you’ll want to choose a robot vacuum with a battery life of at least 90 minutes. The longer the battery life, the longer it can run and clean. Some robot vacuums come with charging docks, while others charge themselves automatically.

Observe your robot vacuum before letting it vacuum

When you first use a robot vacuum, make sure to observe it carefully. Observing how it vacuums will help you determine which areas to configure to maximize its effectiveness. For example, you should keep small toys and blankets out of its way to avoid tangling with the robot’s main brush. Also, keep cords and long curtains tied up. These can become tangled, preventing the robot from fully cleaning the area.

It is also important to keep the robot vacuum on a flat surface for the charging station. Many robots have difficulty on carpet, and transitioning from smooth surfaces to carpet is challenging. Also, keep in mind that the battery is not designed for high-pile carpet, so you should avoid putting the robot on carpets. Moreover, carpets restrict the airflow to the battery, which can lead to overheating.

Pet hair

When purchasing a robot vacuum for pet hair, be sure to consider what type of flooring you have. Carpets and other hard surfaces collect pet hair, while smooth surfaces like hardwood floors do not. The rotating brushes of a robot vacuum help collect pet hair, pushing it into the suction line. You should also consider a D-shaped robot vacuum for your home, as it can detail 90-degree angles more effectively than a circular vac.

When selecting a robot vacuum, keep in mind that different models have different cleaning schedules. It’s also important to choose one that has a large capacity. This is because a robot vacuum that has a smaller capacity will need to empty its contents more often. The larger capacity of a robot vacuum is better if you have more than one type of pet.

You should choose a robot vacuum that can be programmed to suit your needs. There are options to set a timer to start the cleaning process automatically, or to have the robot go to specific locations in your home. Some models even have different cleaning modes, so you can tailor the cleaning to your needs. This is an especially valuable feature for pet owners, as finding a vacuum that picks up all pet hair can be difficult.

Pet dander

The robot vacuum’s ability to remove pet dander and hair from your home can make your life easier. You can schedule a regular cleaning session for high-traffic areas and use it seven days a week. The ground rubber brush is an important feature to look for. If your pet sheds heavily, you will need to schedule more frequent vacuuming.


If you are having trouble operating your robotic vacuum over Wi-Fi, you should first try resetting the WiFi connection. You can do this by restarting your robot vacuum, or you can reset your router. If you are having trouble connecting to the Wi-Fi network, you may want to try a 2.4GHz connection.

It’s important to keep in mind that the frequency of cleaning varies depending on the area and the Wi-Fi signal strength. Some robots work best with 2.4GHz connections, while others require 5GHz connections. Also, consider your router’s placement and whether there are dead zones or obstructions in the way.

Wi-Fi-enabled robot vacuums come with more features, including auto-recharging and scheduling programming. Many can also be controlled by smart home systems, including Amazon Alexa and Google Home. Some also support Siri Shortcuts, which enable you to control your robot vacuum from your smartphone.


It’s essential to perform regular maintenance on your robotic vacuum. You should empty the dust bin before every run, clean the brushes and wheels, and thoroughly inspect the device at least once a year. You can also do regular preventative maintenance to avoid your robot vacuum from getting damaged. To do this, follow the instructions in the owner’s manual.

Changing the filter and bin of your robot vacuum should be done every three or four cycles to maintain the maximum suction power. You can also replace the filter every three to six months. For better results, you can use HEPA filters, which are washable and last longer than standard filters. These filters are highly recommended for people who have allergies.

Another way to maintain your robot vacuum is to keep it away from extreme temperatures. Excess heat and cold can damage the batteries and other sensitive parts. It’s best to place the robot vacuum somewhere away from heat vents and direct sunlight. If possible, avoid using the robot vacuum in garages, since they don’t have insulation and can damage the vacuum.